Eggs For Breakfast
Eggs have always been wonderful for breakfast. I recently decided to try going wheat and sugar free in my diet for a little while. This was not really because of any suspected intolerance but I just wanted to see what it would be like and if it made me feel better – perhaps more energetic. I have to say I found it quite tricky at times being so used to baking and eating bread for breakfast and lunch very often, and also being very keen on pasta and couscous.
Going sugar free was surprisingly very much easier than going wheat free. It definitely felt good not to have to have a fight with myself over whether to eat a cookie or not – having a my rule that I was sticking to it made saying no easy! And no more sugar rushes or regrets over eating too many calories!
Breakfast Without Bread
Breakfast was a bit of a challenge as my normal start to the morning is a boiled egg and a slice of toast. It is quite some time since I have been tempted by commercially produced breakfast cereals when I came to realise they are over processed and often not as nutritious as they purport to being. For more information on this see Felicity Lawrence’s Book – Eat Your Heart out.
Eggs For Breakfast
A friend of mine suggested scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Well I must admit I really thought this sounded very good. I love scrambled eggs and the idea of some sweet tomatoes in too was great.
And it starts the day off well with 1 of your 5 a day. August is just the right time of year for the sweetest tomatoes, especially if you buy locally grown and ideally organic. Delightful cherry tomatoes, plum tomatoes or really any size or shape.
Organic Eggs The Best
My eggs too are local from Achray Farm. The hens that lay them roam around and eat things from the natural ground as well as their feed given to them. The eggs are so yellow and tasty so I don’t only buy them on ethical grounds but because they taste so good.
The best place to buy organic eggs are Farmers Markets and Local food shops. You may consider organic eggs very expensive if you normally buy them in the supermarket but they are much less if you buy them from local shops – or indeed directly from a farm.
Perfect Scrambled Eggs
There is often a lot of mystery about cooking the perfect scrambled eggs. Well I have no idea if anyone would consider my scrambled egg as ‘perfect’ but they taste pretty good and for me the texture is just right. After experimenting with how to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes, I decided that the best way is for the to tomatoes go in half way through cooking – mainly to ensure they are thoroughly warmed through in the egg.
There is much argument over the perfect way to scramble eggs. Delia adds a little butter to the pan first and heats it before adding the eggs (I must try this). Others add cream, rather too much in my opinion. Some whisk the eggs up to make smooth scrambled eggs. It may depend partly on how you like the result. So I will say that this is just my version of how to make perfect scrambled eggs but I am not calling the only way but it is easy and unfussy, which is what a breakfast needs to be. Feel free to use your own method of scrambling and add your own flavourings – just use this as an idea
It really can be whizzed up in minutes so try it before you decide it takes too long for a week day breakfast. It does fill you up because of the protein content and it gives you a great start to the day.
Fresh, Local Tomatoes
I think cherry tomatoes or small plum tomatoes are best – just sliced in half, but you can also use standard tomatoes chopped. The most important thing is to choose really tasty sweet tomatoes. Again buying local and organic is your best bet for flavour – unless of course you grow your own!!
I often find in supermarkets its tricky to compare prices adequately too – some come in packs of six and are charged per pack, others are charged per each and others by weight. Easy way to compare is use the supermarket scales, which are bound to be nearby and compare weights.
How many tomatoes you use is really up to you. I usually use 4 or 5 cherry tomatoes per person and two eggs per person. You can obviously adjust this especially of you are cooking for four you may wish to use slightly more or less. It makes little difference to the time it takes to cook.
And was my wheat free diet a success? Well yes I think so – I do think I felt better and somehow ‘lighter’. I am not sticking to wheat free all the time but I am certainly repeating the experiment every now and then. And scrambled egg with tomatoes is now definitely a regular breakfast time meal in my house.
Just another tip – a non-stick pan is essential if you do not want to spend hours cleaning the pan.

Scrambled Eggs With Tomatoes
- Small, non-stick pan
- 2 Eggs
- 4 Cherry tomatoes halved
- 10 g butter
- 1 splash milk
- salt and pepper to taste
- Break the eggs into the saucepan
- Stir gently over a medium heat with a wooden spoon to break the yolks and gently mix in with the whites
- As the egg warms, add the butter and a splash of milk
- Once the egg starts to solidify, add the tomatoes
- Keep on stirring until the eggs are thoroughly cooked and the tomatoes are warm
- Serve immediately with plenty of black pepper
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