Sweetcorn In Season
In late summer, sweetcorn is in season and you can buy whole cobs, fresh from the fields and still in their husks. If you ever buy vacuum packed or frozen corn on the cob, you will know there is no comparison with the sweet juicy crispiness of freshly picked corn on the cob. They make an inexpensive lunchtime snack, starter to a dinner party of vegetable accompaniment. My advise is to get them while you can!
Sweetcorn originated in the USA and was grown and eaten there for thousands of years. It was introduced to Europe around the fifteenth century. It apparently does need sun to grow well (which is why it so delicious after the good summer in 2013) and is mainly grown in the South of England
Delicious And Nutritious
As well as being delicious, sweetcorn is surprisingly good for you. High in fibre it also is rich in antioxidants and some minerals and Vitamin! Read more about the nutritional benefits here
How Do you Cook Your Corn on the Cob?
Well until recently I would say boil it but I read somewhere that you can bake it in the oven in its husk – really a bit like a jacket potato, so I decided to try it.
It is really good and actually a lot easier than boiling. The leaves and string come off much more easily once it is cooked and of course there is no easier cooking than just putting something in the oven. The only preparation is to rip of any sticking out leaves and trimming the fluff from the end.
And then if you have those wonderful Zyliss Corn on the Cob Holders you can eat it without too much mess. You can of course use small forks but the specially designed sweetcorn forks do improve the experience!
Of course they are delicious with butter, but if you are watching your weight and / or fat content try then with sprinkled with just some freshly ground black pepper.
Method 1 covers boiling the sweetcorn and Method 2 is for oven baking
Corn on the Cob – Method 1
- 1 fresh sweetcorn per person
Cooking Directions
- Remove all the outer leaves from the sweetcorn
- Strip off all the string
- Slice off any remaining stalk
- Slice the more pointed end to leave a flat end
- Please boiling water in a large saucepan
- Gently bring bag to the boil
- Using a large spoon lower the cobs into the water
- Simmer for 10-15 minutes
- Drain thoroughly
- Stick a sweetcorn fork in each end of the cobs
- Enjoy with butter and black pepper
Corn on the Cob – Method 2
- 1 fresh sweetcorn per person
Cooking Directions
- Remove any stray bits if leaf
- Heat the oven to 180 degrees C, Gas mark 4
- Place the corn cobs on the oven shelf (not touching)
- Bake for about 30 minutes
- Remove from oven and place on a plate
- Remove the outer layers and string
- Using a fork to hold the hot cob, slice the stalk end off with a sharp knife
- Slice the more pointed end, if necessary to create a flat surface
- Stick a sweetcorn fork in each end of the cobs
- Enjoy with butter and black pepper
thanks for the recipes
have you got recipes for sweetcorn relish