Today marks the start of a new project, with the start of this website.
It seems to me that in spite of numerous cookery programmes, recipe books and celebrity chefs, that still as a nation we know less about food than our Mothers and Grandmothers and still less about what is in season and where our food comes from.
And in a period of recession, cut backs and frugality, it is more essential than ever that we get the most out of our food, both economically and nutritionally.
Low Cost, Easy Recipes
So this website is about learning about food, cooking and being economical in a positive way. I am not a trained chef but simply a woman who enjoys cooking creatively but simply and very economically. But that is the point really, that everyone can cook and get joy from creating simple but tasty and low cost meals.
I hope this website will be a place to share ideas, successes (and failures!) and most importantly rediscover the joy of cooking.
Continuous Learning
It’s about learning (and relearning) about simple, basic food and cooking. I am particularly delighted to discover how to make things that I in the past would have bought, without ever thinking that I could make them. Things such as Lemon Curd, Marmalade and Chutney. I have learned to bake home made bread recently and could not now go back to shop bought.
Keeping Cooking Simple
But it is not a website that frowns on the short cuts. I recognise that not everyone wants to make their own bread – different things appeal to different people. But if someone gets inspired to cook a dish or bake a cake because they see how simple it is, then the website has done its job. Or if someone understands that cooking is really simply about putting ingredients together that you like.
It is about using a recipe as an idea, a framework, with which to experiment and that substituting an ingredient for something else, or leaving it out altogether, is simply a decision you make in the cooking process, so that the result is something you like or that suits what you have in the cupboards.
Buy Local Food
Buying local ingredients wherever possible is something that will be mentioned a great deal. There are many reasons why I prefer to do this and probably the most important reason is ‘feelgood’ factor. It simply feels great to know that your tomatoes bought today were still on the vine yesterday and only a few miles away.
The fruit hasn’t suffered from the journey, you are supporting your local economy and reducing your carbon footprint. The grower is probably getting a decent cut of the price, especially if you are buying from a local shop or market. Often the prices are less.
A message I will constantly put across is that the supermarket is not always the cheapest. Check out your local green grocers and butchers as well as Farmer’s markets or market stalls. Free Range eggs are always cheaper at local shops and Farmer Markets than supermarkets.
Down To Earth shared Recipes
Penny’s Recipes welcomes down to earth, practical, tried and tested recipes from everyone. Sharing good recipes is important. Chances are if there is a particular dish you love and find easy to cook, there are others out there who will appreciate knowing what you know.
Your recipe will always have an acknowledgement, and may be a link back to your website if you have one – unless of course, you wish to remain anonymous. See Tired Salad Soup or Kloe’s Lemon Drizzle Cake for examples of readers contributions.
If you try a recipe on the website, please leave a comment as to what you thought of the dish and any adjustments you made, or will make next time you make it.
So please, as you read the recipes, articles and blog, don’t hold back – do let me know what you think.
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