You may have been working from home for a while, or may be you have just had to start. Either way it can be a huge disruption to your daily routine.
One part of your life that can be dramatically affected when working from home during lockdown is your eating habits. Being out of your routine can make it hard to know what to eat and when. This could lead to unhealthy eating habits such as skipping meals, reaching for the biscuits, and opting for takeaways.
If you are searching for ways to keep enjoying your food while working from home during the lockdown, then these tips should provide you with plenty of inspiration:
Stay Hydrated
Many people find it harder to resist snacking when they are working from home. If you are making trips to the fridge every five minutes for snacks, you may be looking for a way to curb this habit. Staying hydrated is an excellent way to keep the urge to snack at bay and stay feeling full. Drinking the recommended amount of water each day should help you to cut down on your snacking. Having some flavoursome drinks to hand may stop you reaching for the biscuit tin!
- Keep some ice cold water in the fridge and some ice
- Get some cordial or fruit juice for a once or twice daily treat
- Have some extra special speciality hand-roasted coffee such as the varieties available at to beat the work from home lethargy
- Try this ginger and cinnamon tea as a real winter warmer!
Plan Meals Ahead
It can be hard to feel inspired to cook when you have been at home all day and feel drained by the whole pandemic situation. Planning ahead will help you to avoid that annoying ‘don’t know what to cook’ feeling, and ensure that you are never stuck for ideas.
Planning ahead will save time for your lunch and evening meal – and may give you something to look forward to. Helps with shopping too – and avoids the disappointment of not having your favourite meal ingredients to hand. Planning with your meals is also useful as getting to the shops and finding what you need at the last minute can be problematic right now.
If you find it a struggle to feel motivated to cook in the evenings, you could plan meals you can prepare in the mornings when you have more energy such as casseroles in the slow cooker.
When you do cook, double up the quantities and save half for the freezer to give you some home cooked ready meals just waiting to be defrosted.
Cook for Pleasure
It seems that during lockdown, people turn to baking and cooking as a relaxation for pleasure. May be you have more time as you no longer need to do the daily commute
You may find cooking becomes a pleasure rather than a chore – and a way to give yourself a much needed reward after a hard days work – or homeschooling. Enjoy the additional time you have for the evening meal. Get the children involved and find out where food comes from, it’s nutritional value and environmental impact.
Bake an occasional sweet treat that you might all enjoy!
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