Mum’s Recipes
This was first written in 2012. Alas my Mother is no longer with us but I love to cook certain recipes in her memory
My Mother came to stay recently. She knows I write recipes and is keen to contribute. She gave me the Pickled Eggs recipe that makes the delicious snack that I remember from my childhood. However there are some things that I just can’t make as well as her. For example, I am still trying to learn how to make the amazing Yorkshire Puddings she produces, that taste better than any others. She was born in Scarborough – so may be it is simply in the genes!
One day I will may even make a sherry trifle as good as hers. I did actually come close recently and it was certainly appreciated by the German visitors who were staying at the time. So you see how it is – with some recipes I judge myself way below par compared to some of my Mother’s cooking. I don’t think it’s just to do with nostalgia either.
The impossible pie, that is not only possible but an easy to make, delicious dessert
Easy Dessert Recipe
So when my Mother gave me the recipe for Impossible Pie, I was rather concerned that this may be another tricky one – after all the clue is in the name! This was not a recipe I remember from childhood, but one my Mother had found on the back of a calendar, bought to help raise funds for the Hospice charity. My parents buy the Hospice calendar every year, and this recipe was from one a few years ago.
I have to admit to not having heard of an Impossible Pie before but on searching on the internet it appears are several recipes out there.
Who Would Have Believed It!
So what is Impossible about it? Well you mix all the ingredients together into a quite liquid mixture, pour it into a cake tin and after cooking it magically separates into 3 parts with a crust on the bottom, an egg custard in the middle and the coconut on the top – and it is quite delicious!
And it really couldn’t be easier to make! It can be eaten hot or cold and keeps well in the fridge for a few days – if you can resist it for that long!
We were originally going to use a loose bottomed cake tin but soon realised that the mixture is really too runny and would very likely run out – so we used a solid cake tin instead. That turned out to be fine as once cooled a little it turned out of the cake tin with out a problem. Obviously it was well greased beforehand

Impossible Pie
- 4 eggs
- 185 g / 7oz sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 450 ml milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 55 g margarine
- 75 g plain flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 90 g dessicated coconut
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C
- Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix together or place in a blender
- Pour the mixture into a 23cm pie dish
- Bake in the oven for about one hour
- Prepare to be amazed at the result!
This is a good recipe. For us, less sugar would be good, maybe 4-5oz.
I had mine with satsuma pieces.
Just made this so lush and so easy to make taste like old fashioned bread and butter pudding my husband is having seconds