Strawberry And Rhubarb Combination!
When my daughter came to stay for a few days, she came up with a great suggestion. She had recently had a strawberry and rhubarb juice drink and thought it was really good. So she asked if I thought a Rhubarb and Strawberry crumble would be a great pudding. I thought it was a fabulous idea! I thought the tartness of the rhubarb and the sweetness of the strawberry make a wonderful combination! Well we all know that the proof of the pudding is in the eating – so we tried it and found that it is really delicious!
Rhubarb and strawberry are both in season together so why not put them in a crumble together? Delicious!
Fruit In Season
Rhubarb and strawberry seasons do coincide for a while in the summer months. And as September heralds the very end of the strawberry season it seemed a good time to try it – especially when a few rainy days had made a crumble seem more appropriate as a pudding! It makes a great change from Apple Crumble too!
This is also a very easy pudding to make. Crumble toppings are so simple to make and really you can use as much fruit as you have. Personally I love crumbles that have much more fruit than crumble! It is a lovely dish to cook with children – however small or grown up they are!
Rhubarb (officially a vegetable, not a fruit) is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals and when combined with all the antioxidant goodness of strawberries – you can have a bowl of goodness. Having a treat that does you good is always a winner!
Rhubarb And Strawberry Crumble Recipe
For the Fruit
For the Crumble
Prepare the Fruit
Prepare the Crumble
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